912 Buschong St, Houston, TX 77039


Learning to Live in the Moment

Learning to live in the moment is the ultimate key to inner peace. Oftentimes, we get too caught up in our anxieties about the future or our regrets from the past to fully appreciate and take advantage of the present day. We need to equip ourselves with the mental tools…...

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How to Recover from Emotional Slumps

All of us go through emotional slumps at some point and it is an entirely normal part of the ebb and flow of life. It is easy to ride an emotional high when things are going well for us, and we are occupied and happy doing something we enjoy. However,…...

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Finding Inner Peace

Finding inner peace is one of the most sought-after goals for a lot of people. It is entirely possible to find inner peace, but it certainly takes a lot of consistent work and reflection. It is also not a linear process, nor does it have a definitive end. It is…...

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The Rainbow After the Summer Storm

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain”. – Dolly Parton We are all familiar with the romanticization of summer that is prevalent in our culture, but we are also well aware that this season does not always live up to…...

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The Love of a Father

If we are lucky enough to have or to have had a loving father, we are truly blessed. It means that no matter what happens you know you will have someone to fall back on and someone to help you get back up. As Father’s Day comes up, the time…...

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Love is Patient

Patience is oftentimes the virtue that most people find difficult to put into practice. Our world is filled with promises of instant gratification. We can order food, clothes, books, furniture, and anything we could imagine online and at the touch of a button and have it at our doorstep before…...

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A Mother: Life’s Greatest Gift

Mothers are one of life’s greatest gifts. Mothers are figures who provide for us, love us unconditionally, and care for us more deeply than we can imagine. The mother figure in our lives may not always be our ‘biological’ mother, but everyone has a figure in their life of a…...

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The Search for Fulfillment

The lives that most people live now are much more materially better than the lives of people even just one hundred years ago. More people have their material needs more easily satisfied and secured than their ancestors did, and we even have access to luxuries, technologies, and benefits that our…...

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Overcoming Doubt

There will inevitably be times in all our lives where we will begin to doubt ourselves. We may begin to doubt our own worth and our own abilities. This happens a lot especially when we enter any sort of new role both in our personal and our professional lives –…...

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Spring, A Time to Flourish

It is finally spring again and for many people, this is an exciting time filled with the promise of better, brighter days to come. The weather starts to get a little warmer but not excessively so, flowers start to bloom, the days get longer, and sunshine abounds. Springtime is a…...

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