912 Buschong St, Houston, TX 77039


Reflecting and Loving Without Expectations

We are officially one year into the pandemic, and our lives have inevitably been changed in one way or another, and many of our expectations for what this year could have been were completely derailed. When we approach the one-year anniversary of anything significant, it is almost always cause for…...

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How to Hold on to Hope

Some seasons in our lives will be more difficult than others. In these moments, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture and lose sight of hope. This is also when we should work the hardest to hold on to our hope and our faith regardless of where…...

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Finding Creative Ways to Express Yourself

Everyone needs an outlet of some kind to express themselves every once in a while, and creativity is an excellent way to do so. Most people experience a wide range of emotions throughout their lives, or even daily, and that includes positive and negative emotions. All types of emotions are…...

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Learning to Welcome Change

No matter what age we are, we are always growing, changing, and evolving, alongside a world that is constantly doing the same. Change is universally not an easy process and requires adjustment, which is not always a comfortable experience. We need to learn how to handle these situations, recognize the…...

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The Day of the Dead (Dia de Muertos)

The Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos) is a Mexican tradition celebrated in Mexico and in parts of the USA where there is a high present of people of Mexican heritage. This holiday involves family and friends getting together to celebrate, pray for and remember those who have died, helping them in their…...

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The evolution of cremation in the Catholic church

For most of its 2,000 year history, the Catholic Church only permitted burial and prohibited cremation, they took the line from Genesis (3:19)  “dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” as a mandate to follow after death, but in 1963 the Vatican reconsidered this rule and allowed cremation…...

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The importance of selecting a good final resting place

Selecting a cemetery should not be the job of those who are left behind, this is something we need to consider and act on while we have the ability to do so. Beyond the obvious functional value of a cemetery, a place where people are buried after they’ve passed, cemeteries…...

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Losing a loved one is a life changing experience, it is ok to look for help

The one constant thing in life is change and losing a love one is one of the most difficult changes a person can experience. Acknowledging this permanent change is something that we cannot easily or quickly adapt to, denial is a powerful force, and often by abusing it we pretend…...

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Learn to treat yourself with compassion after the loss of a love one

The loss of a loved one is always hard on the people who stay behind, but everyone copes with the pain differently, grief is something that everyone’s ups and downs happen at different times and in different ways. Try not to compare yourself to the way others handle this situation…...

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