912 Buschong St, Houston, TX 77039


A Mother: Life’s Greatest Gift

Mothers are one of life’s greatest gifts. Mothers are figures who provide for us, love us unconditionally, and care for us more deeply than we can imagine. The mother figure in our lives may not always be our ‘biological’ mother, but everyone has a figure in their life of a…...

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The Search for Fulfillment

The lives that most people live now are much more materially better than the lives of people even just one hundred years ago. More people have their material needs more easily satisfied and secured than their ancestors did, and we even have access to luxuries, technologies, and benefits that our…...

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Overcoming Doubt

There will inevitably be times in all our lives where we will begin to doubt ourselves. We may begin to doubt our own worth and our own abilities. This happens a lot especially when we enter any sort of new role both in our personal and our professional lives –…...

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Spring, A Time to Flourish

It is finally spring again and for many people, this is an exciting time filled with the promise of better, brighter days to come. The weather starts to get a little warmer but not excessively so, flowers start to bloom, the days get longer, and sunshine abounds. Springtime is a…...

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Reflecting and Loving Without Expectations

We are officially one year into the pandemic, and our lives have inevitably been changed in one way or another, and many of our expectations for what this year could have been were completely derailed. When we approach the one-year anniversary of anything significant, it is almost always cause for…...

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How to Hold on to Hope

Some seasons in our lives will be more difficult than others. In these moments, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture and lose sight of hope. This is also when we should work the hardest to hold on to our hope and our faith regardless of where…...

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Finding Creative Ways to Express Yourself

Everyone needs an outlet of some kind to express themselves every once in a while, and creativity is an excellent way to do so. Most people experience a wide range of emotions throughout their lives, or even daily, and that includes positive and negative emotions. All types of emotions are…...

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Learning to Welcome Change

No matter what age we are, we are always growing, changing, and evolving, alongside a world that is constantly doing the same. Change is universally not an easy process and requires adjustment, which is not always a comfortable experience. We need to learn how to handle these situations, recognize the…...

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Seeing Opportunities in Every Difficulty

Life is all about the way we chose to frame our situations. Most of the time in life, we cannot be in full control of what happens in our surroundings or what happens to us even. The past year has especially been an exemplification of this law of the nature…...

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An Optimistic Outlook for the New Year

At the end of every year, we all tend to feel an urge to reflect upon the year and set goals for the upcoming one. We see this manifest on social media as people share both their highs and lows of the year, but as we all know, more often…...

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