Celebrating the Holidays During a Pandemic
This year has brought all of us challenges that none of us could have ever predicted. What was initially a lockdown that would last maybe a few weeks at most has turned into an uncertain future. Though we are living in uncertain times, it is so important that we remain…...
Preparing for the Holidays During the Pandemic
For many people, the holidays will look very different this year. Every year comes with its own special complications but this year has been exceptionally unusual for society as a whole. Even if you’ve been blessed enough to stay afloat or sail through this year, as a collective we are…...
A Time for Reflection
This entire year has been a series of trudging into the unknown, and as the year begins to come to a close, it becomes increasingly crucial to reflect on how far we’ve come. Reflection is the key to self-awareness which is key to growing as an individual. It helps us…...
Lo más valioso de la vida
Si ha quedado claro este año es que la felicidad no depende de las cosas ni el dinero que uno tenga. La felicidad y la paz interior va más allá de lo material y hemos de situar los bienes materiales en su justo lugar en la lista de prioridades. Hoy…...
The Most Precious Things in Life Aren’t Things
If anything has become clear this year, it is that happiness does not depend on the material things or the amount of money that one has. Happiness and inner peace go beyond the material and we have to place worldly goods in their rightful place in our list of priorities.…...
Take Care of Your Mental Health
This month of October contains a special day that celebrates a topic that has been of the utmost importance this year – October 10th is recognized by the World Health Organization as World Mental Health Awareness Day. This year, more than ever, there has been a focus on taking care…...
Coping with a Positive Attitude
One of the best coping mechanisms during difficult times is something as old as time: laughter. It may seem contradictory to look for ways to crack a smile when we feel the situation calls for anything but laughter, but a good sense of humor helps us to put stress aside…...
Never Feel Lonely
“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.”– Orson Welles Every trial or tribulation we face in life is filled with teachable moments. We can always learn something positive that can…...
This Life is a Gift
When we start to think of life as a gift, we start to appreciate it in a different way, just as we would if a loved one gave us something precious. When people give us gifts, we tend to feel grateful and we feel a sense of love towards the…...
Love in the Time of a Pandemic
These times of madness, chaos, and uncertainty on a global scale have served to remind us that love is the valuable possession we can have in this life. In times of hardship, we need to depend on our loved ones for support and for a general feeling of human interconnection…...