912 Buschong St, Houston, TX 77039


Overcoming Loneliness

In an increasingly interconnected world, it may seem strange that there are still people who suffer profoundly from loneliness. The reality is that all the technological advances that we have at our disposal to help us communicate more rapidly are not enough to eliminate the feelings of isolation that are…...

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Resilience and compassion

Life is a series of crossroads. Sometimes it may seem as though life is cornering us and that the walls around us are crashing down, and that there are certain heartaches that are too painful to bear. We guard our hearts and we refuse to open up to others. This…...

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Cemetery Etiquette

Visiting a cemetery where your loved one are buried is one of the many ways to honor and pay your respects to those who are no longer with us. This is an opportunity to remember all the good times with had with them and to reflect on our own lives.…...

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How to Deal with the loss of a Loved One During the Holidays

For most of us, the holidays are a time of great joy, a time when we get together with friends and family and celebrate in accordance to our beliefs. The loss of a loved one is one of the most painful experiences a person can encounter during their lifetime, and…...

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Who is Legally in Charge of Your Funeral?

When someone dies, there are many sudden financial responsibilities left to handle on their behalf. Almost every state has a list to describe who has the legal right to control your funeral arrangements. (1. A friend designated in a document. – 2. Spouse. – 3. – All adult children. –…...

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Marking the Final Resting Place

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult challenges a person can face during their lifetime. Apart from dealing with the sadness and sorrow, family members are faced with some choices; the casket, burial versus cremation, the type of funeral they want to hold, the location of the…...

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