Throughout the fall and winter months, we experience change and decay all around us. Plants die and the birds migrate further south, abandoning us temporarily. The leaves change colors creating new works of art in the scenery that surrounds us, and we observe and admire their transformation, only to watch them eventually fall off in the depths of winter. There has been beauty in this transformation and decay, and now as spring arrives, we are at a moment of rebirth. Our days are getting longer, and new life slowly but surely starts to grow and flourish all around us. The seasons of the year always serve as a beautiful metaphor and a beautiful example of how to experience change, transformation, growth, and decay in our own lives. Life will always throw various obstacles in our way throughout the course of our lives, and we need to learn to handle them as gracefully as Mother Earth does.
When we are going through a period of decay in our lives, we must always remember that things fall apart always in order to make room for something new. Loss hurts but staying stuck in our pain and decay is infinitely worse. No matter what the next season brings, there will undoubtedly be growth, beauty, and opportunities to flourish if we are only willing to open ourselves up to them, like the petals of a flower that open up to receive sunlight.
The Earth does not long lament all that it has lost, but rather it appreciates the empty terrain that it now has in order to create new life and beauty above the ground that all that has come before has created and left at its disposal. We should not fear this opportunity to let new things flourish in our lives. Making room in our hearts for something new does not mean that we did not appreciate and love the moments that our past opportunities have afforded us. On the contrary – allowing space for growth and change in our lives is a way of honoring all that we have previously had. We have learned from all these past experiences and using them to move forward is the best way to honor and thank the universe for allowing us to have them even if they are no more.
In order to make the most of springtime, first and foremost, we need to show gratitude, and not only for the moment we are in now. t is important to be thankful for all the seasons and how they complement each other and work in harmony to create beautiful moments of change, transformation, and rebirth. In the same way, we need to be thankful for all the seasons in our lives – the good, the bad, the ugly – because they complement each other in a way that allows us to transform, flourish, and flow through life. It does us no good to lament for too long – gratitude is a much more powerful and positive actor in our lives that will help us continually feel fulfilled in all seasons.