If we are lucky enough to have or to have had a loving father, we are truly blessed. It means that no matter what happens you know you will have someone to fall back on and someone to help you get back up. As Father’s Day comes up, the time comes to be thankful for all the loving men in our lives who have served as our father figures, whether they be blood-related or not. We all know that those that we consider family are not always blood-related, and sometimes we are lucky enough to have people come into our lives that shower us with love just because. Whether the father figure in your life is blood-related or not, Father’s Day is a wonderful time to show that person that you appreciate all that they have done for you and to express to them what they mean to you.
These men in our lives have provided us with strength and guidance when we have needed it most and that kind of support is truly invaluable. They taught us so many of the meaningful life skills that have shaped us into the people we are today, and undoubtedly, we would not be the same without them. They have provided us with both words of wisdom and practical advice. Dads have a knack for also knowing just how to make us laugh with a good, corny joke that only they would come up with. Most importantly, they are loyal and protect us at all costs, even if it requires sacrifice on their part. It is hard to know how to repay them in any meaningful way for all that they have done for us, but sometimes just showing your gratitude in whatever way that looks like for you is enough for them, whether that be with gifts or words of affirmation. Their hearts are big, brave, selfless, and full of life, and a good father simply wants us to know that we are loved by them.
However, for others who have lost that special father figure in their life, this holiday can be difficult emotionally as they are reminded of the person who is no longer with them physically and can no longer provide them with regular love and support in this world. Even once our father figures have left us in the physical world, we know that we carry them in our hearts because we feel them in everything we do. We know we have gotten to where we are in life thanks to them, and that we are a little wiser because we got to learn from them. We know that the reminder of their unconditional love will carry us through any hardship even if they cannot be there physically to encourage us with spoken words. Those who we love and who love us never really leave us, but rather a piece of them will forever stay a part of us. Father Day’s is a time to be thankful for the good father figures we have and have had in our lives and recognize all they do to make our lives just a little brighter every day.