“In March winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.” ― Jean Hersey
As we enter this new month, wintertime is slowly but surely coming to an end, and spring is just around the corner. Our daylight hours are getting longer, the temperatures are getting warmer, and we see a speck of hope in every flower that begins to bloom in our environments. Every season that we go through has its upsides and its downsides, but it is often the transitions that prove to be the trickiest part. Although the return of sunshine and warmer temperatures is a blessing without a doubt, it can be hard to move out of our comfort zones once we are settled in them. Apart from thinking of seasons just in terms of weather conditions, it is important to consider the different seasons in our lives, appreciate them for what they are, and learn to transition from one season of life to the next, just as we transition from winter to spring.
When we are in the midst of a season in full force, we tend to become creatures of habit and move at a steady pace, comfortable in our routines. The transitions prove difficult because as we move from one season to another, we suddenly lose our steady ground, and we need to figure out a new routine and a new ‘normal’. We also need to figure out what to take with us and what to leave behind from the previous season. What lessons, habits, experiences, etc. can we continue to serve us in the following season? What is no longer serving us and is worth leaving behind respectfully?
Even when the next season of our lives promises to be ‘better’, it is still difficult to move on from the known to the unknown. In order to transition as gracefully as possible, we need to be open to learning and open to personal growth, even if it comes with growing pains. We also need to be open to deep self-reflection, but the ultimate key to success of navigating a transition period of life has always proven to be this – contentment and gratitude. We cannot reflect in a productive manner that will help us move forward if all we feel is resentment towards the past. Whether we have had good cards or bad cards dealt to us in the path, it will always be part of our journey, and we can choose to use that foundation to build a positive future and move forward with our lives if we so only have enough gratitude and courage in our hearts to do so. Move forward into the new season, stumble if you have to, but always move forward without letting the growing pains of the transition hold you back.